Leading Edge: Alliance for Excellence in Jewish Leadership
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Headshot of Shana Erenberg over an orange background

Alumni Spotlight: Shana Erenberg

by Leading Edge

Meet Shana Erenberg, co-founder and CEO of Libenu. Shana is an alum of the Board Member Institute, which was the reimagined signature program of Boardified (powered by Leading Edge) and the premier volunteer leadership development program for board members of Jewish communal organizations. Shana shares her perspective on navigating current challenges with empathy, passion, and determination, and reflects on how her Leading Edge experience has shaped her views on the future of Jewish nonprofit leadership.

Alumni Spotlight conversations may be edited and condensed.

What do you think are the most critical leadership qualities needed to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities within Jewish nonprofit organizations right now?

In the dynamic landscape of Jewish nonprofit organizations, the most critical leadership qualities necessary to navigate current challenges and opportunities include empathy, passion, and determination. Empathy is essential for leaders to genuinely connect with and understand the diverse needs of their community members, enabling them to tailor initiatives that resonate deeply. Passion fuels the commitment to the organization's mission, inspiring both staff and volunteers to strive towards shared goals. Determination helps leaders persist through obstacles and drive impactful changes. Additionally, a philosophy of inclusion ensures that all voices are heard and valued, fostering a culture of respect that strengthens community bonds. Vision is also crucial, as it allows leaders to anticipate future trends and opportunities, guiding their organizations toward sustainable growth and innovation. Together, these qualities form a robust foundation for effective leadership in the unique and evolving context of Jewish nonprofit organizations.

How do you see the future of Jewish nonprofit leadership evolving? How has your Leading Edge program experience influenced your perspective on this?

The future of Jewish nonprofit leadership is poised for a transformative evolution, emphasizing the cultivation of the next generation of leaders who are deeply committed to the Jewish community. My experience with Libenu has reinforced the critical importance of mentorship in this evolution. By providing robust mentorship opportunities, we can equip emerging leaders with the necessary skills and insights to navigate and innovate within the sector. These programs have shown me that mentorship not only bridges generational gaps but also infuses fresh perspectives and vitality into the community. This hands-on guidance ensures that new leaders are not only well-prepared to tackle current challenges but are also inspired to uphold and evolve the community's values. As such, mentorship will be a cornerstone in nurturing a resilient and visionary leadership pipeline that is crucial for the thriving future of Jewish nonprofit organizations.

Quote by Shana Erenberg, "In the dynamic landscape of Jewish nonprofit organizations, the most critical leadership qualities necessary to navigate current challenges and opportunities include empathy, passion, and determination."

Which initiatives or projects have you undertaken in your current role that have been inspired or influenced by participating in your Leading Edge leadership program?

Participating in the Leading Edge Employee Engagement Survey with subsequent feedback and workshops has notably enhanced Libenu’s team dynamics and improved communication. Inspired by the program's focus on strong team cohesion, we introduced regular team-building activities that have boosted morale and improved our collective ability to tackle complex projects. Additionally, we transformed our weekly meetings from mere informational gatherings to interactive sessions that encourage open idea sharing and collective problem-solving. These adaptations have not only fostered a more collaborative and engaged team environment but also led to more innovative and effective project outcomes, truly reflecting the valuable insights and strategies gained from Leading Edge.

What’s one piece of advice you would offer to someone who is considering joining a Leading Edge leadership program?

Joining a Leading Edge program can be a transformative experience for both you and your organization, and my advice to anyone considering it is to fully embrace the opportunity with openness and readiness to implement change. These programs offer access to insightful consultants who are experts in their fields, covering highly relevant topics that can profoundly impact your organization's effectiveness. You will receive thoughtful feedback that is both constructive and tailored to advance your mission. Engaging actively and applying the insights gained will allow you to enhance not just your leadership skills but also your organization's strategic direction and operational efficiency. The experience can be a significant catalyst for growth and innovation, so approach it with enthusiasm and a commitment to translate learning into action.

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